Strategic Planning

What is Strategic Planning?

Strategic planning is an organizational management activity that is used to gather input to set priorities, focus energy and resources, ensure the District is working toward common goals, and determine the organization’s direction to ensure student success in a constantly changing environment as we look to the years ahead.  

Strategic Planning at SD113A

SD113A is committed to making the students the focus of all our work. We have accomplished many of our goals from our 2018 strategic plan and it is our goal to continue this progress in our upcoming strategic plan with a focus on learning, people, and resources. We will develop this plan with the help of our community members, staff, parents, and students to enhance the educational experience in our district.

SD113A is an excellent school community that has a strong reputation for doing what is best for the students that it serves. Something that sets this district apart is the partnership between our schools, families, and other stakeholders. Building on that spirit of collaboration, Lemont-Bromberek SD113A will soon continue our strategic planning efforts focused on ensuring our District priorities, and the graduates who leave us after eighth grade, are future ready and have the tools they need to be successful. This is an important endeavor, and we have already seen wonderful involvement from staff, families, and community members who participated in our Strategic Planning survey in February. We had over 770 respondents to the survey and thousands of open-ended responses and this feedback will serve as the basis of the work for our committee. 

There are 4-5 large goal areas that will guide the district’s work over the next 3-5 years and those include: Resources/Facilities, Learning Environment for Staff and Students, Teaching and Learning/Student Achievement and Growth, and Communication/Engagement.

  • Teaching & Learning/Student Achievement & Growth
  • Learning Environment for Staff and Students
  • Resources and Facilities
  • Communication and Engagement


Lemont-Bromberek CSD 113A's mission is to empower students to think critically and become productive, global citizens through innovative learning, collaborative communication, and responsive citizenship.


The Strategic Planning Committee has reviewed many documents and pieces of data, including the following that we encourage you to review as well:

Strategic Planning Survey

Department Overviews