Students and parents worked together to solve mathematical problems.
Over 120 River Valley students, along with their families, spent an evening exploring math activities. The event reminded all of us that math can be fun!
The participating students were given a “passport” book that was completed as they traveled from room to room, completing fun activities. They visited six different rooms where they earned stamps for Fluency Fun, Fabulous Fractions, Color-Statistics, Geometry, Measure My Classroom, and Place Value Online. Every student who participated was given a bag of math tools to take home and also received a prize. In addition, a drawing will be done for additional math educational gifts, to be delivered by the River Valley “Prize Patrol” on Thursday. Principal Lynch said, “As students checked-out for the evening they were asked which activity they liked the best; many had a hard time deciding on which room was the most fun, because it was impossible to pick just one.”
All of the students attended with at least one adult, so that families could learn and explore together. Many students brought along the entire family! Even the younger siblings had the opportunity to join the festivities, as River Valley staff volunteered to provide baby-sitting services for those family members who were too young for the math events.
The event was a smashing success! As Tyler Etzkhorn, a fourth-grade student was leaving for the evening, he excitedly exclaimed, “If we do this again next year, I am coming back!” The feedback from the River Valley parents was overwhelmingly positive, with many parents noting that their children had not realized that “math can be fun!”