Every year, hundreds of thousands of families across the world lose everything when disaster strikes. These catastrophic events can destroy homes, leaving families without so much as basic shelter from the elements. In collaboration with Rotary International, ShelterBox dispatches response teams to distribute aid on the ground to deliver shelter and lifesaving supplies to these victims.
The EarlyAct Clubs at River Valley and Oakwood Schools are excited to support this worthwhile cause! The students have undertaken a fundraising opportunity to raise awareness and funding for the shelter box program. Our local Lemont Rotary Club sent representatives to meet with the students, who then will act as “ambassadors” to their own classrooms. Students had the opportunity to see an example of the shelter provided, along with the provisions that are included. In the coming days, River Valley students will be accepting donations and organizing a “Penny War” to benefit ShelterBox.
Stone TeSelle is a fifth grade student who serves as one of those student ambassadors. He indicated “I think this is a great program! I am very excited about the penny wars as a fundraiser for Shelter Box!”