In the last three weeks clubs of all kinds have been starting and are up and running. Over 70 students in 4th and 5th grade have joined choir and over 80 students in 4th and 5th grade have joined band. Band and choir classes run after school. Our band director is Old Quarry teacher, Frank Alongi and our choir director is River Valley’s music teacher, Allyson Zeyen.
Over 100+ 3rd – 5th grade students have joined Maker Space and 70+ 4th & 5th grade students have joined intramurals. Our Maker Space sponsors are 4th grade teacher Kay Lee Morgan and 5th grade teachers Kelli Casey, Mary Hately & Angie Pawola. Our intramurals sponsors are PE teachers Joe Targosz & Joe Tomasek.
Over 300 students are involved in after school activities at River Valley School. These after school activities afford our students the opportunities to develop new interests and to meet new friends.
Nurturing outside interests help students grow and mature as they navigate their first experiences at independence and their first relationships outside of the family. Joining clubs and after school activities is a way to encourage our children to grow in a safe and nurturing environment.