This year students and staff will participate in several school-wide reading initiatives. As you walk through the school you'll notice that outside every classroom RV staff members have written on a dry erase sign a current book they are reading. You'll also notice the picture wall with staff members reading and the book wall that has favorite book titles listed. These were created to help instill the love of reading and to show the students that we continue to read beyond our school years.
Want to get involved? There are two ways to get involved.
- When you come to volunteer or attend curriculum night or conferences, stop by the table that has books in a basket. Write your favorite book title on the book and sign it. Place it in the container so we can hang it on the wall.
- Take a picture of your family reading, you reading with your child, grandma and grandpa reading... any home picture of reading and send it to me at [email protected] or get the picture developed and send it in (4 x 6). We'd love to create a wall of our families reading.
We look forward to the year ahead and we look forward to sharing our love of reading with you and our students.